Hebrew national

Do you still endorse the kashrut of hebrew national (triangle k) meat?

The Rav feels strongly that one should be machmir and eat Glatt.

Having said that - if one does eat non glatt he CAN rely on the hechsher for Hebrew National.

See the follwing for more information.


When he says glatt does he mean actual glatt (khalak) or what OU and the industry call glatt? As many including Rabbi Eidlitz in L.A. have pointed out, there’s not enough glatt meat produced to actually supply the glatt market. Instead, they call meat that doesn’t require expertise to ascertain trefut/kashrut as glatt. That is unless you eat only bet yosef you’re not getting glatt meat even even you buy glatt. Or do you disagree?


I am not sure of the accuracy of your statement.

here is a brief sketch.

The Shulchan Aruch (SA) was written by the Bet Yosef who was of Sephardic heritage.The Rema, an Ashkenazi, wrote his “notes” on the SA in instances where the Ashkenazic custom differs with the Bet Yosef. Today both are printed together as the conclusive halach sefer, the Shulchan Aruch.

Regarding glatt, the Bet Yosef holds that certain scar tissue in the lungs of the animal that can be manipulated and removed and subsequently leave a smooth (glatt-Yiddish) finish are not acceptable. The Rema disagrees and hold as long as it can be removed without any hole the lung is considered glatt.

In a nut shell this is what we are discussing here. Animals that are checked and found to be totally smooth without manipulation are called Bet Yosef glatt. Animals that need to have the scar tissue removed are considered glatt according to the Rema. Less than that is kosher, non-glatt.

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I have a question on this topic. As I understand it the reason that the Rema and bet Yossef disagree is whether those striations make the animal a nevela in that it would cause the animal to die within a year. Has anyone asked a veterinarian whether those issues in the lungs will in fact reduce the life expectancy of the animal?

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I will answer your question with a fascinating story.

A fellow many years ago came down with a disease r”l that his doctor told him was life threatening with no known cure. Devastated he went to his Rebbi who directed him to one of the gedolim of the generation (I am sorry I don’t remember who it was ). He told him the same disease you have is a machlokes between the Beit Yosef and the Rema. The Rema rules leniently. My advise to you he said, is pack your bags and move to Krakow, the home town of the Rema where the town follows the rulings of the Rema and you will live!!!

The Torah dictates the metziot, not the other way around.

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I believe this is the story you’re referring to.

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So have we in fact observed that polish cows with striations live for more than a year, but Egyptian cows with them die within the year?

Chazal established certain standards for issues and what categories they fall in. This was done to ensure that confusion be kept to a minimum. So regardless of what the current status is, which for the most part is due to upgrades in science and medical advances, the standards remain the same.

Very possible. But by the same token it’s possible this story happened twice.