Ocean Spray 100% Cranberrry Juice


Is Ocean spray 100% cranberry juice kosher?

Its ingredients are:Clipboard01

The bottle does not list the percentage of fruit juice, and when I contacted Ocean Spray with this question: “What is the percentage of each of the fruit juices in the product?”, their answer was : Unfortunately that is proprietary information to the company.

In another question on this site, for Kirkland Cranberry Juice cocktail, you replied that since the Grape juice is mevushal (cooked) it is ok to drink.

I contacted Ocean Spray again and inquired if they do flash pasteurization of the grape juice and here is what they replied:

"All of our Ocean Spray® juices undergo flash pasteurization and the temperature ranges from 180-200 degrees Fahrenheit. "

So, does this render the grape juice mevushal?

Is this product ok to drink?

Thanks for your help.


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I don’t see a response
Is this cranberry juice kosher?
