Publix store challa rolls/challa

I saw pita with no hechsher was approved, so figured I’ll try this. Just moved to area with very limited kosher products… found these in Publix. Is it ok? Thank you kindly,

These two products are kosher.

Wow - I am so happy. You just made my life so much easier. B’h Thank you so much:

I assume it is not an issue even if Publix also baked cheese Danish or other dairy products or even non-kosher in the same oven that they bake challah. This question really applies to judging a food’s kashrus by only reading the ingredients listing. Also, isn’t there a concern that an ingredient is used but not listed in the ingredients? I’m not arguing, just looking for an explanation. I realize the major kashrus organization do not agree but I also have great respect or the Rav.

Correct. Not an issue.

Every ingredient must be on the label by law.