Put cold food on blech

Can you place cold solid food (such as kugel or rice) on a blech on Shabbat?

There must he something under the food. Aluminum foil would be ok. This is besides the blech.

Just to clarify: so rav abadi permits putting cold food on a blech on shabbos as long as the food is in some kind of container? Does it matter how hot the food gets?

Correct. Cold pre cooked foods.

No It May get hot. (yad soledet bo)

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Can it get over yad soledet bo? That’s pretty common with a standard blech

Yad soledet is the benchmark for bishul. So yes, hotter is the same Halacha.

Sorry, I am still a little confused.

Does Rav Abadi permit putting cold, solid food (inside a container) on a blech even if the food will reach yad soledet bo or higher?

Yes. That is correct.

Thank You.

Why doesn’t Rav Abadi permit putting cold solid food on a shabbos hot plate (plata) if the food will reach a temperature of yad soledet bo or higher?

A hot plate is not considered a Blech.
If you would put a Blech on top of it and then another Blech (for example aluminum foil and then an ADDITIONAL piece of foil) or another vessel than it would be ok.


To clarify about hot plate -

  1. if I put a blech on a hot plate can I then put food in foil /pan and put it onto this blech. ?

  2. Does a piece of foil placed on top of the hot plate count as a “blech” ?

Thank you !!

  1. yes

  2. yes and that would permit you to return the pot while it’s still in your hands (with all the other conditions )to the hot plate.

If you would add an additional piece of foil on top of the blech/foil that is already there, than you could put cold foods that were pre cooked on it as well.

(And Yes, you can put this additional foil sheet on the blech on shabbos. Of course assuming the foil was pre-cut before shabbos.)

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can you put cold, solid, cooked food in an oven on shabbos if you have a few sheets of tin foil on the bottom of the oven?


For an oven there is never any method to have or make a blech.

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Regarding an oven
Please ask the Rav Why he does not agree with his rebbie Reb Aron kotler ztl that covering the knobs serve as a blech

The blech needs to be a heker in the fire by covering the fire. Covering the knobs does not accomplish that. Also ovens work with thermostats so whatever setting the oven will maintain that temperature and the blech did not reduce the heat

Question was why dosent the Rav agree with his rebbie Reb Aron kotler ztl that a blech is valid by covering the temperature / knobs constitutes valid blech even the the heat is not being reduced

Asked and answered.

The blech needs to be a heker in the fire by covering the fire. Covering the knobs does not accomplish that. Also ovens work with thermostats so whatever setting the oven will maintain that temperature and the blech did not reduce the heat