BA-TAMTE Pickled Tomatoes

Ingredients: Tomatoes, water,vinegar,garlic, salt, spices, less than 1/10th of 1% benzoate of soda
I called the company and asked the source of the vinegar, and they said they didn’t know (!!!). They told me that :it is from the Fleishmann company.he Fleishmann company website says they make various kinds of industrial vinegar. I left a message on the Fleishmann site, but they never answered. Ca I assume that viunegar" means “apple vinegar”, or does this sound suspicious?

Yes. It should be Apple cider vinegar. Let us know if they do respond.

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I just heard from Ba-Tamte. They said it’s from corn. Interesting that the label just said “vinegar”.

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kosher for Pesach for all
Companies seldom use vinegar from wheat. But we need to find out anyway.

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