Bang Energy Drink

Seems like you’re a mashgiach for the kashrus industry. That does not make you a posek. Just because an ingredient’s original source was from a non kosher animal does not automatically mean it’s not kosher now. Take gelatin for example, comes for pig but it’s still kosher. Read up on this. A lot to learn.

Also take a look at the shulchan aruch where it dedicates many simanim to this topic.

In Halacha there are many details that have a huge impact on Kashrut. For example, bitul or pagum, or not raoy leachila…

This website follows the rulings of Rav Yitzchak Abadi and was created for those who want to follow. No one is forcing you to follow these rulings. But I will be clear that we have decades of Kashrut experience and visit many manufacturing plants and do extensive research.

A mashgiach doesn’t make the laws, they need to follow them. A posek decides the laws.

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