Bedikas chametz

When performing bedikas chametz, is one looking for a taaroves of chametz, or only things like bread and crackers? Do you have to check the ingredients on all the items in the fridge and pantry?

Yes you need to look for any Chametz wherever it may be, which includes in other foods

So on the night of the 14th, do you have to use a flashlight to read all the ingredients on foods in your pantry and fridge?

I had the privilege of being with the Rav during bedikat chametz for many years. It took a total of 5 minutes.

The Rav would look through the kitchen cabinets and the fridge for the 10 hidden pieces of bread. He would ask the Rabbitzen if the rest of the house was cleaned and chametz free. The Rav did not search the rest of the home and relied on his wife confirming that it has all been cleaned and chametz free.

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