What is the bracha on wraps (tortillas). Does it make a difference how thin they are or what else they’re made of (assuming that they are made of wheat as primary ingredient though).
Wraps are generally tasteless and meant to hold together the food. These would be batel to the food and the bracha would be dependant on the food inside the wrap.
Not even a mezonos on wraps made from wheat?
Does this apply if it is something akin to a spinach wrap, or has some sort of flavor or taste?
The Rabbi holds that unlike bread which has satiating qualities, wraps are not saiting and never eaten by themselves. Therefore they are batel to the main food which is the stuffing. This applies even if they have some sort of flavor as again, they are not eaten alone
I’ve seen elsewhere on this site that croutons made from bread would need a hamotzi. Wouldn’t they be batel in relation to whatever they’re sprinkled on?
This thread is for wraps. Can you please repost your question in the thread that you are referring to
If one was to remove the fillings from the wrap and only have the wrap left would the status of the wrap be changed since it will now be eaten separate from the fillings and therefore hamozti or would it still be considered just as a tool of carrying fillings and therefore shehakol/mezonot?
Hamotzi or Mezonos, depending on whether you’re eating it as a meal