Brit milah fig analogy

I feel so stupid asking this question. But I cannot find this “story” anywhere – so maybe I misunderstood it. Years ago someone who should know told me that one of the great Rabbis made an analogy that the foreskin is removed like a stem is removed from a fig. One does not eat the stem of the fig, and the foreskin is likened to the stem. I would just like clarification please. Is this story true, and which Rabbi said it? Thanks.

Lol. No idea.

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Rabbi Yudan said this, in B’reshit Rabbah.


Thank you!

Do you by any chance know the exact location of this passage? Thanks again!

Breishit Rabbah 46:1.

אמר ר’ יודן מה תאינה זו אין לה פסולת אלא עוקצה בלבד העבר אותה ובטל המום, כך אמר הקדוש ברוך הוא לאברהם אין בך פסולת אלא ערלה הזו העבר אותה ובטל המום התהלך לפני והיה תמים.

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Thank you!