October 24, 2022, 2:26am
I washed for bread and had my main meal courses. Now I come to the dessert. Do I make any brochos on the following:
cake - mezonos
fruits - eitz
ice cream - shehakol
ices - shehakol
candy - shehakol
nuts/seeds - hoadoma (peanuts, sunflower seeds) or eitz (almonds, pistachios)
Thanks !
October 27, 2022, 11:53am
Shouldnt cake be patur because of safek that it is pat haba bakisnin and therefore covered by hamotzi?
November 2, 2022, 2:41pm
See Biur Halacha siman 168
That’s a long siman. Which Biur Halacha specifically?
Rav Abadi is of the opinion that there is no argument about what constitutes פת הבאה בכיסנין and that each option mentioned was merely an example from their town.
See the Rav’s teshuva below: