Carrying on property owned by a non-Jew on shabbat

In a city with an eruv, is it permitted to carry on property owned by a nonjew on shabbat? For example, to deposit trash in a garbage can in someone’s driveway, or to walk through a garden that’s open to the public, but is privately owned

It is difficult to ascertain. Many if not most city eruvim are not built properly. But assuming it is, all properties are included.

Is there some pointed question I could ask the local Rabbi, or the eruv consultant the community used (it was a famous eruv expert)? Or should I just assume it’s fine?

There are two major issues that always come when dealing with a city eruv. I would start by asking these questions.

  1. How is Reshut Harabim handled (there are many approaches to this. Different leniencies are used and the Rabbi didn’t approve of some of them)

  2. How is Sechirut handled (“renting” space from the non-jews)