Chewing gum on a fast day

Can one chew gum on the lower fast days?


My understanding from the the rovs tshuva regarding gum is tht itā€™s not called eating, as he writes that a he haber isnā€™t necessary ā€¦
If so what is the problem with chewing gum on a fast? If itā€™s eatibg shouldnā€™t it require kashrut?

Please clarify what youā€™re saying. I do not understand what you wrote. Which tshuva are you quoting?

Chewing gum requires a ב×Øכה and it is food and must be kosher. Chewing gum is not respectful because we are not cows and donā€™t chew our cud. That is something the Rav has said many times but never said that gum is not considered food with regards to ב×Øכה or kashrut.


Why is it different from chewing on a cinnamon stick? Mishne berura mentions that was ok.

Actually the mishna berura says itā€™s not ok. The Rama says itā€™s ok but heā€™s talking about chewing and spitting. Not swallowing the flavor. או"ח ×Ŗקה"ז

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So, technically youā€™re right. If you chew the gum and get all the flavor out before the fast starts, you can continue chewing during the fast. I donā€™t believe any one would disagree with that. But as long as thereā€™s still flavor and /or sugar in the gum, it is prohibited.

The issue where gum is not called eating is probably specifically referring to the gum base that is not rauy leā€™Achilaā€¦ because chewing gum is not eating. But the sugar and flavoring is being eaten, and thatā€™s what you are making the Berachah on.

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Thanks for posting the teshuva. You will see that I was right on target. Hope this clears it up for you.