Cornmeal for ashkenazim

On the pesach list I see that cornmeal and corn starch is listed as kosher for All, was this meant to say for sephardim only?

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Cornmeal and corn starch are foods that aren’t eaten plain. They are added into food and not recognizable. As long as it is less than 50% it is nullified and permitted even for Ashkenazim

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Can an Ashakanazi make a recipe that includes cornmeal, as long as it is less than 50%?

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You’re right the list is somewhat inconsistent on this point. Corn is something that many do not consider Kitniyos. Actually many items are considered Kitniyos by some and not Kitniyos by others.
We will correct the list to state kosher for Sephardim only on cornmeal and corn starch, although those that eat corn are obviously allowed to eat that. The rational for not including corn into the Kitniyos category is based on the fact that corn came from the Americas centuries after the Kitniyos custom was instituted.
We normally try to stay out of the debate of what is or is not Kitniyos.
I hope this clears that up for you. Thanks for pointing it out.


Just to expound a little in what @aaron.abadi said.
Some eat corn on Pesach while others don’t. Even for those who don’t, there is a difference between food that you prepare yourself to food that you buy already prepared.
We permit many items that are not intentionally mixed by the eater/preparer and the mixture is permitted based on bitul. By the same token to intentionally prepare a food with the knowledge that you are relying on the end result of bitul is not allowed.