Davening at graves

What is the deal with visiting relatives’ graves ? Does it make a difference if it is within the year of death or not ?
I am going to israel in a few weeks and I’d love to visit my grandmother’s kever , I just have heard that it’s not necessarily the greatest thing to do.

Better not to go.

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Please elaborate on the Rav’s position about visiting graves of rabbis and relatives.

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This is the position. Better not to go to the cemetery. If I recall correctly, graves of tzadikim are ok. But this question was regarding visiting relatives. I’ll ask the Rav later today bl"n

Thanks. I am wondering about his reasoning.

The Rabbi isn’t pro going to visit graves, as a general rule. A special circumstance may be different.

In my family, we traditionally go to the grave of a deceased spouse, parent, sibling or child on or near the Yahrzeit. I would be very interested to learn what the thinking/reasoning or halachik consideration about not going would be.

Thank you

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My beloved daughter died last October in an accident. I go to her grave every Friday to say the prayers I used to say over her every Shabbos. It gives me great comfort in this difficult time Does that mean I need to stop doing it?

On this site we give generalized answers.

As a general rule Rabbi Abadi feels that the cemetery is not a place that should be going. And of course he has his sources and reasons.

When one asks the Rabbi a personal question they get a personal answer.

If one feels that their circumstance is unique, I recommend contacting Rabbi Abadi directly.


Vilna Gaon was also not a fan.

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