Electric light for shabbos neirot

If one is using electric lights instead of “shabbos candles” does it matter if the light bulbs are incandescent or CFL/LED?

No difference. Both are fine.

if you are staying in a hotel for shabbos, can you use the bathroom light for shabbos candles?

stand outside the bathroom and say the bracha then turn on the switch inside the bathroom

If you don’t have any other lights in the room then its ok.

Our Rabbi’s have taught, “Chacham aynav beRosho- A wise man’s eyes are in his head”. Meaning that you need to plan ahead. If you know you will be in a Hotel for shabbos you should bring some sort of light that you can ignite that will not interfere with your sleep. To rely on a bathroom light as a first choice is inappropriate.

Why are these ok? Especially LED isn’t necessary fire in halacha?

The requirement is to have light, not necessarily fire.

While on the topic you should take a look at the Rav’s teshuva on candles for Shabbat