Esther torah reading quesion

Why is it that when gets to the part of the Megillah reading , where it speaks about who the Jewish people killed, why is there a big empty spacing between each person? Also, after each name it states “and”; in modern Hebrew “and” is just with a vav but here it’s has ואת, why is that

The spaces between each of the sons of Haman have multiple significance depending on who you ask. The main and simple reason is that it is written in a format normally used for a “Shira.” This was a big part of the salvation and it was thus written like a Shira.

As far as the ״ואת,״ is concerned, that is a normal part of original Hebrew. We do often learn things from many of them. For example ‏כבד את אביך ואת אמך. The ואת teaches us to include an older brother. But ultimately it is part of standard Hebrew language and not always adding anything.

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