Is this Shmitah wine?

Is this wine permitted for a Jew to drink?
This bottle of wine from Tulip Winery in Israel has a hechsher that is not familiar. An email from the winery states that they usually have 2 hechshers on their wine, except during the shmita year there is only one hechsher. I don’t know if the hechsher means that, though the wine was produced during the shmitah year, it is not from shmitah grapes or if it is from shmitah grapes. Underneath the bar code on the label is shows a bottling date of July 2023. If from shmitah grapes, is it permitted for a Jew to drink it? Does this apply only if consumed in Israel? Or does it also apply to those outside of Israel? See the label and hechsher below. Thank you