Do you have to have Kavana for Mayim Ach.
Scenario: Finished eating , wash the plate and cutlery you just used , go back to bentch and realise(forgot) that you need to wash M.A.
Do you have to go back and wash again or the fact that you just washed your hands and dried them( from the dishes) would suffice?
It would suffice, if you were certain that you weren’t masiach daas from your hands (and made them dirty again).
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I dont know what is the definition practically speaking is of mesiach daas… and specifically how to apply it in this situation.
When I washed the dishes and walked back to my desk I was not thinking about benching until I sat down “.Oops need to bentch” and then came the “Oops need to wash M.A.”
There is no predetermined kavana necessary for Mayim Achronim. Therefore if after washing the dishes you can say that your hands are still clean you May proceed to bench.