Trader Joe’s Dolmas

Ingredients: cooked rice (water, rice), vine leaves, onions, soy oil, salt, dill, spearmint, black pepper, citric acid

Kosher for Pesach for Sephardim


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Kosher for Pesach for Sephardim

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Hate to dig up old threads but wouldn’t the rice in dolmas be a chasash of bishul akum? Just looking for clarification.

Valid question.
There’s no Bishul Akum on “Bishul factories”.

That makes sense. Thank you. Does the Rov have a t’shuva where he speaks about this and explains the principle for this? My assumption is that it operates off the same principle of pas paltar and factory produced wines that have no human interaction.

Factory produced wines are not kosher without a kosher certification. We cannot assume there is no human interaction. We’ve done our research and many wine manufacturers do in fact have human interaction with the wines.

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Ah.This is a change from one of Rav Yitzchak Abadi’s former positions as expressed on this site.

Is this idea of Bishul in a factory (not talking about wine) addressed in the Rav’s Ohr Yishaq? Where can I find it if so