Used non-kosher ingredient a long time ago

Is there a concept in halacha that if one used a non-kosher ingredient in cooking a long time ago, that the non-kosher taste would be nullified/diluted over time with other cooking? Or does this non-kosher taste persist and keilim would still require kashering?

It probably was kashered out by now, but it’s simpler to just kasher the pot.

Wouldn’t the taste of the non-kosher food no longer be relevant after 24 hours? Why would kashering be required?

Good question.
There’s two concepts. First the issue of flavor in the food. That you’re right about. That is gone.

The second aspect is maintaining kosher pots. Once you used it for dairy or meat or treif, it requires Kashering.

If the taste is gone, what does the kashering accomplish? Is it more of just a ceremony/custom at that point?

Thanks for all you do!

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It’s a requirement put into place in order to force us to maintain kosher pots and utensils and separate for meat and dairy. If we allowed you to use any pot once the flavor was gone, you would then be able to use it back and forth from meat to milk and treif to kosher. Before you know it, you will be cooking both simultaneously. That’s the thought process.

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