Wearing a mask on shabbos no eiruv

To the best of my knowledge the largest eruv the Rav approved was the eruv around Har Nof.

To speak specifically to each eruv would be impossible. If there is a specific eruv you are enquiring about please share some more details and provide a detailed map.

“Its because the scarf is an article of clothing and is “worn” in a normal fashion. A mask attached to the ears is not.” This is a difficult distinction. Glasses are “worn” in the same fashion.

Yes I am aware of that rema 301 ,16 rema.

However what is the connection to masks

Do you mean rema 301 , 13 that permits it?

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The main issue with masks is that people aren’t careful to keep them on for long. Additionally, they are constantly being taken off or put under the chin and this creates an issue regarding carrying on Shabbat.

This entire thread is very disturbing. Although you did mention a bandanna or scarf as a solution, shouldnt our approach be to teach the people how important it is to wear a face covering of some sort whenever interacting with people, most definitely in closed spaces, but even out in public. If one chooses to wear a mask, leave the mask on and do not take it off. In order to observe Shabbat properly, learn to wear an appropriate face covering ALL THE TIME OUTSIDE OF YOUR OWN HOUSE. DO NOT FIDDLE WITH IT. DO NOT TAKE IT ON AND OFF.

The fact is though, that I personally have never met someone that does not fiddle with and remove their mask even in places where they believe they must be wearing it.

Additionally, I completely understand why many may find this thread disturbing. But what I find most disturbing is the fact that people are ignoring the more important issues. Mask help very minimally if at all. Sitting on an airplane wearing a mask does nothing especially if you take the mask off the eat or drink. I don’t believe nuclear scientists remove their masks in the lab to eat or drink…

We’ve been brainwashed that masks is the #1 defense against Covid-19. Yet we somehow accept that people can remove masks when demonstrating or eating.

Can anyone explain why the CDC insisted we not wear masks when this pandemic started and what changed? Is there a difference between a bandana, a surgical mask, and an N95? If masks are so crucial why then aren’t we all wearing N95 which is the minimum we can do to actually prevent the virus from entering our bodies?

Covid-19 is absolutely a deadly virus and proper precautions should be taken in proportion to the risks involved. We don’t lock ourselves in our homes during a thunderstorm even though one can get struck by lightning. We do stay in our homes when a bear is roaming our front porch. We all drive our cars even though we know that hundreds of thousands of people get killed driving in cars every year.

So we need to understand what this virus is and what we can do to best protect ourselves, but we dont have to go to an extreme beyond what makes sense given the risks.

Older people need to be more careful. Older and unhealthy, even more careful. Young and healthy, just careful…

Now let’s talk about what the average person can do to protect themselves. Eat heathy and get in shape. Sleep well and hydrate. You can even take some supplements like Zinc, Vitamin C and D, and Silver. Wash your hands when you get home.

Healthy people survived Covid-19. Just about everyone that died had underlying issues and other medical complications.

What I find most interesting is that everyone knows that millions die every year from Cancer, Diabties, and Heart attacks and motor vehicle accidents but I dont see anyone eating less fast food, exercising more, sleeping more, or driving more carefully. All we hear about is masks, the same masks that the CDC originally said not to wear, and the same masks that EMTs and Paramedics are not allowed to wear because it doesn’t provide ample protection.


This is really not the forum to discuss this topic, but since you raised the question the reason why the CDC and other experts were hesitant to suggest wearing masks in the begging is twofold. First, we really didn’t know how the virus was spreading. Was it by touch, was it by coughing/sneezing, or could it be passed simply by talking/breathing in close proximity to people? Thats why when this first started they were telling us to wash our hands constantly and just cough into our elbows. Despite most people following these easy precautions, the virus continued to spread rapidly. The second reason was they were worried that it would result in medical workers being unable to access masks. This was a very real concern in March/April, as I personally know doctors who were asking friends to sew reusable masks and donate them to hospitals.

The latest research shows that surface transfer is very low, and the virus is primarily spread through visible respiratory droplets and to a slightly lesser extent, non-visible aerosols lingering in the air. This means that we can stop worrying about sanitizing surfaces quite as much, and should wear a mask that prevents these droplets and aerosols from getting into the air, especially indoors where there is poor airflow. This will become a much bigger issue over the winter.

The nature of any new (novel) virus like this is that the science is always developing and even the experts in the field don’t know everything at the beginning. It’s not right to look at mistakes made early on when the facts were unknown as evidence that the experts don’t know what they’re doing. As time has gone on the science has become more solid, and most of the evidence points towards masks and social distancing being the best way to prevent the spread of the virus until a vaccine is available.

Very well. Can you also provide some information about not wearing masks while eating in a restaurant or on an airplane? What about at protests? What are the side effects of wearing a mask for extended periods of time? What happens when a person inhales and then exhales? Does the mask make people inhale what they just exhaled?

There is no arguing that what the CDC and other agencies are pushing is very politically charged. You know it and I know it.

If you read my posts you will see I never once advocated for not wearing masks. What I did question is why we are so focused on the one thing that really has minimal impact on our health and protection from this virus. We should focus our energy on being healthy and able to withstand this virus just like every other virus out there. We’ve gone crazy with the masks and now government has threatened criminal charges for those not wearing masks.

It’s a bit much for something that has not been proven to be that effective especially since people do not wear it at all times…

Come visit Lakewood wear no one wears a mask and our numbers haven’t changed. No one is being rushed to hospitals. We haven’t been wearing masks here for months. Only about 10% of Lakewood is wearing masks.

Look at the stats and you will see that the overwhelming majority of deaths were from senior citizens with other medical issues.

I am not telling you not to wear a mask. I am telling you to get a better perspective of what’s really going on and make educated decisions. Don’t just follow the recommendations of a few politicians with clear agendas and incentives. Listen to what they say and then think for yourself.

I will remind you that while the CDC recommended masks the WHO was not recommending masks.

The one thing that anyone can do to best protect themselves is to be healthy. Healthy people are not getting killed by this virus.

Healthy means eating only healthy, sleeping well, hydrating, exercising…

Our bodies were created to fight viruses and we’ve been doing so our entire lives. Covid-19 is a tough virus but if you are really healthy you should be just fine.

Harav Amnon Yitzchak was in Lakewood a few week ago and he was saying the exact same thing. Rav Chaim Kanievsky was adamantly against shutting down yeshivas during the pandemic and as recently as last month instructed yeshiva students to stop getting covid-19 tests.

In summary, make sure to live healthily and exercise regularly. Take necessary precautions to avoid being exposed. If you are unhealthy and especially if you’re an older person be a lot more careful.

Wearing masks may help you but don’t fool yourself to think that if you need to eat on a plane that suddenly the virus knows to stay away from you until you finish eating.

I just took this screenshot from the WHO website. Here is the link https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/question-and-answers-hub/q-a-detail/q-a-on-covid-19-and-masks