That is certainly possible. In any case you mentioned that the juice is too hot too handle. Definitely seems like they heat it up in the beginning. Maybe they do pasteurize at the end. In any event, if it hits yad soledet before it’s handled it’s ok.
Hi doing a little refresher. They definitely load the grapes in at between room temperature and 110 degrees it seems. At one of the early points in the process the temp is raised to over 130. But I don’t think it is clear that it is done “before the grapes are handled.”
Samples are taken, at least by some processes, by dipping a pitcher into the grapes.
Obviously each plant would do things differently. This could vastly affect the kashrus of all welch’s. They have a lot of different plants set up probably in different ways.
Thanks for the update.
Talk about asked an answered. Fruit juice is governed by law and must be pasterurised. Grape juice, unless pasteurised immediate starts to ferment. Dr. Welch used Louis Pasteur’s process to pasteurise the juice before the crush. All grape juice is made this way. The FDA minimum temperature is 160 f for a certain amount of seconds. The higher the temperature, the less amount of time. That’s how we get flash pasteurisation for mevushal wine.
For our purpose, the juice only has to be pasteurised once. But welch’s for good practices pasteurise more often at diffent points of the process. At no point is the juice touched by a human.
moadim b’simcha,
Martin Brody
Sounds correct
Not sure what your first sentence was saying
Having physically been to a plant personally and seen how they do things, I can tell you unequivocally that the assumptions made here are simply not true. They have up to 12 hours before the fear of fermentation becomes reality and even then they can burn off the alcohol in pasteurization. They do NOT always pasteurize before sending through the system. And people 100% can come in physical contact with the grapes.
The process is different in the the different plants. We went thru the processes of each. We went over each one with the Rabbi a few years back and he approved all of them. At this point we just verify that no changes were made. It is pointless to go back and forth
Checking back here in 11/2024. So Welch’s is Kosher and may be used for Kiddush?
Thanks for all your hard work verifying kashrut and mevushal status of Welch’s!