Hi Should Sephardic women say tashlich?
Is there a difference for Ashkenazic women in regard to this?
The Rebbitzin said it every year after Rosh Hashanah but not on Rosh Hashanah.
The Rabbi does not allow carrying a siddur outside of an Eruv on Rosh Hashanah for tashlich since doing so would cause an issue of bringing it back home. On Yom Tov one is allowed to carry outside of an Eruv for specific needs but nothing else.
The Rav always told people to say Tashlich after Rosh Hashanah when they could bring a siddur with them.
The main reason it’s brought down for women not to say it on Rosh Hashanah is really about the result of mingling between men and women during tashlich which is a real problem even today.