100% Agave Tequila Passover

I am trying to understand if 100% agave tequila is Kosher for Passover. We have a few bottles that we need clarification on. Of course I looked to past questions, but there seems to be multiple answers given to the same question. In 2019, Aaron Abadi said all 100% agave tequila is kosher for all, as did Rabbi Chaim Abadi. Then in 2023, Ralph Lasry and Rabbi Chaim Abadi answered that 100% tequila is not necessarily ok and further research must be done into each brand.

Did something change with the Halacha? What is the correct answer?

If you know for sure its 100% agave and nothing else, it’s ok. If there’s any other flavor it has to be checked out. Hope that helps a bit.