on an other topic it’s been mentionned that the Rav determines Alot Hashachar as 72 minutes zmaniot, how the Rav deals with the fact that it is not always consistent with the metziut / reality of the light of the sun in the morning ?
For example in winter there is already lights well before 72 minutes zmaniot
it’d seem more logical that alot hashachar be determine by degrees on inclination of the sun wouldn’t it ?
The Rav does go with the metziut. Not a fixed 72 minutes. The method of going with a certain degree follows the sha’ot zemaniot approach.
the method of going with a certain degree follows the sha’ot zemaniot approach.
I agree that shaot zmaniot are linked to the seasonality, but not to the metzius
as I said in winter the shaot zmaniot are too shorts
for example in New York, december the 31th,
- alot hashachar 72 minutes zmaniot = 6h23
- netz = 7h19
the problem is that at 6h23 there is already much light, it is already misheyakir, certainly not alot hashachar
how the Rav deals with this problem ?
I understand your point. Rabbi Abadi always used to tell me that he was able to recognize the zmanim of Alot and Misheyakir when he was growing up in Teveria. So he is definitely going with the Metziut.
Same with Shkia. The Sha’ot Zmaniot can be calculated based on these times.
I would ask you which calculations you mentioned in the previous post. And btw we’ll never be able to reconcile all the opinions.