Whey Protein

Hi Rav

Is Whey Protein considered like cheese for purposes of having gevinat akum?


No problem of gevinat akum

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is it considered dairy?

Whey is generally bitter tasting. When its not yhe main ingredient it’s not considered halachically dairy. When it is the main ingredient (protein shake) it is considered dairy.

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What happened with this site? In the past all answers were by one of Rabbi Obadi’s sons. Now I see new names. This would not be a problem were it not that their pesakim differ. Previously Rabbi Abadi said that whey is NOT considered dairy.

@Yisrael.Kleinhendler is an upstanding member of the Abadi family. If you have a question about what he wrote to you, feel free to ask him.


Shalom Yisrael, and great to have more people helping out, l and I appreciate his service. But it is not coherent for a source (website) offering clear and no holds barred piskei dinim to have contradictory rulings.

Hi there. Not sure what you’re having a problem with. Whey is not considered dairy when listed as an ingredient other than the main one. that’s because it’s Pagum. This logic doesn’t apply when it’s the main ingredient.
I confirmed with Rabbi Abadi before posting. I had asked him this same question 9 years ago. He said the same thing then. I also confirmed with a close Talmid that this is Rabbi Abadi 's position on whey.

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Where is the issue? Do you drink whey straight?

Many Protein shakes are pretty much plain whey disguised in some flavor

Exactly. And if I understand you correctly you are saying that this would be considered dairy (" When it is the main ingredient (protein shake) it is considered dairy.")
According to my memory, in the past it was stated that whey is not considered dairy. This is what I was referring to. Unfortunately all the thousands of Q/A from before the redesign of the website seems to have been lost.